We all struggle, but have you ever wondered why? More importantly have you ever thought about why we struggle between what we want and what God wants? I do that a lot. It seems, in theory, that it should be a no-brainer. God is God and He knows everything including what's best for me. But for some reason, There still are times that I think I know better. What else would explain doing what I want as apposed to what He wants. I mean, think about how silly that really sounds. When we decide to do what we want instead of following God, we are really saying, "I know more than God." I do it all the time and it's ridiculous.
Am I really that weak? Maybe, sometimes, but more times than not it comes down to one word...It starts with P and ends with RIDE. It's the very same thing that upsets us when we get embarrassed. It's the same thing that makes us lash out when someone "hurts" us. Sure it doesn't feel good when someone tears us down, but what makes us retaliate is our PRIDE. It makes us angry, it makes us hate, it makes us destroy perfectly good relationships, and worst of all, it makes us feel entitled. I hate that word but it's prevalent in our lives. "I'm entitled to MY opinion...I'm entitled to respect...I'm entitled to a decent paycheck."...etc. SECRET: We are entitled to NOTHING. Nothing belongs to us in the first place. Nothing belongs to us in the second place. Nothing belongs to us. We are His and His alone. Everything belongs to Him. The only thing we are entitled to is hell and because of His grace we can avoid it. Is that justice? No, that my friend, is Mercy.
Here's the deal: I'm out of sugar
If we're Christian and we feel entitled to anything, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves. We have Jesus, what more could we want or need. Being that we do have Jesus and claim to "follow" Him, we must remember one very important thing He said. "If anyone wants to come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me." (Luke 9:23) Deny. Many people discuss and even argue the meaning of deny. Here is my version; Get over yourself. Be willing to get rid of every single thing that you think makes you happy, everything you think you need, everything you think you're entitled to. Give it all away and follow Christ, give it all away and serve His people. All comforts, all desires, Everything. “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (Matt. 10:37) Our own children are not more important than Christ, what makes us think that our PRIDE is?
If you are reading this and think that you don't have a problem with pride, when was the last time you thought, "I don't deserve to be treated this way." or, "Why can't I ever catch a break, everyone else seems to.?" PRIDE.
I deserve a better car:PRIDE, I deserve a better job:PRIDE, I deserve a better house:PRIDE, I deserve a better life:PRIDE
Now, that being said, I know we are human, we are imperfect. I know we fail and sin. I am at the top of the list. I know that for all that pride we will be forgiven. But, if you aren't trying to rid your life of it, you should be ashamed. Christ first, always and forever.
Oh PRIDE. How I hate mine. It's nasty and ugly and it pops up way way way too often. You're right, it's the root of all my issues and problems and everything about me that is gross. Thank you for so boldly speaking out, Clint!
ReplyDeleteYou haven't given up blogging already have you?!
no keri just stupid busy